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Diary ~~ About me ~~ Delcious Icecream

Questions & Answers
Saturday 10 June 2017 | 0 comments

Q1; Whats your favourite food?
A1; Cake.

Q2; Who's your idol? Why?
A2; Olivia Culpo. She's a total beauty with brain, she's beautiful inside and out.

Q3; Whats your favourite kind of music?
A3; Jazz.

Q4; Whats your favorite color?
A4; Pink.

Q5; Who makes you laugh the most?
A5; My sister, my dearest roommates.

Q6; 3 words describe yourself?
A6; Complicated, picky, clean-freak.

Q7; Who's your fashion icon?
A7; Olivia Palermo.

Q8; Whats your men type?
A8; Good sense of humor, love me so much, gentle, intelligent.

Q9; Whats your favourite flower?
A9; Rose.

Q10; What annoys you the most?
A10; There's so many things but the most is.. when people belittle-ing someone else.

Q11; What country you really wish to visit?
A11; Paris.

Q12; Who's your celebrity crush?
A12; Daniel Craig, Ryan Guzman, Gaspard Ulliel, Chris Pine and 100+ more

Q13; What scares you the most?
A13; Butterfly.

Q14; Whats your favourite animal?
A14; Yeti.

Q15; Whats your spirit animal?
A15; Unicorn.

Q16; What makes you cry?
A16; Being called terrorist 3 times.

Q17; What movie makes you cry?
A17; Love, Rosie.

Q18; What movie makes you laugh so hard?
A18; Jack and Jill.

Q19; Whats your favorite movie?
A19; Monte Carlo.

Q20; What makes you the angriest?
A20; People who are rude.

Q21; Whats the best THING in the world?
A21; Saxophone? Yes.

Q22; You cannot go out without?
A22; My little mirror, my lipstick, my phone.

Q23; Who's your favourite Disney's princess?
A23; Briar Rose.

Q24; What's your first pet's name?
A24; My baby turtle, Beethoven.

Q25; Whats your favourite sport to watch?
A25; Yacht race. *even I never understand the rule of the game*

Q26; One moment embarrassed you the most?
A26; I smiled to someone and they didn't even smile back

Q27; Which part of your face is your favourite?
A27; My eyebrow.

Q28; Whats your forever favorite song?
A28; Top of the world by The Carpenters.

Q29; Ice cream or pie?
A29; Pie.

A30; Could you live a day without your phone?
Q30; Yes.

Q31; What do you do when you're sad?
A31; Cry, read, sleep.

Q32; Whats your favourite Nickelodeon's cartoon character?
A32; Squidward, Jimmy Neutron.

Q33; Whats your favourite cartoon?
A33; Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron, CatDog, Hey Arnold, Fairly Odd Parents and a lot more than that.

Q34; Whats the best advice in your opinion?
A34; Not every lost is a loss.

Q35; What language your really want to learn?
A35; Spanish, French.

Q36; Who inspire you the most?
A36; My inner pain.

Q37; Whats the best thing your father have taught you?
A37; Discipline and how to punch people in the face perfectly hard.

Q38; What makes you feel stupid?
A38; Awkward situation.

Q39; Whats your favourite Marvel's hero?
A39; Hulk.

Q40; Classic or modern?
A40; Classic.

Q41; What colour you dislike the most?
A41; There's no such thing.

Q42; You don't like when men?
A42; Being judgemental, egoistic, slob, impolite.

Q43; Whats your favourite weather?
A43; Rain.

Q44; What makes you feel calm and peace?
A44; The sound of rain and thunder.

Q45; 3 things in NATURE you find really beautiful?
A45; Ocean, mountains, flowers.

Q46; Whats your dream car?
A46; Mustang Cammer.

Q47; Pet or baby?
A47; Baby.

Q48; Whats your real ambition?
A48; Scientist.

Q49; Whats your favourite subject in school?
A49; History and science.

Q50; Who's your favourite actress?
A50; Scarlett Johansson.

Q51; If you could have superpower, what would it be?
A51; Fire.

Q52; Do you sing in the shower?
A52; Definitely yes.

Q53; If you have chance casting in a movie, what type would it be?
A53; Vampire, classic era, science-fiction, knight.

Q54; You will decorate your house the type of?
A54; Classic, retro, vintage.

Q55; What confuse you the most?
A55; The fact that I am me. 

Q56; One weird thing about you?
A56; I sleep with pillow under my legs, not my head. 

Q57; In your opinion, whats the luckiest thing as human being?
A57; Being a muslim, good one.

Q58; One thing you really passionate into?
A58; Paint.

Q59; What animal you don't really like?
A59; Kangaroo, monkey. They are so aggressive and brutal.

Q60; If you could change your name, what would it be?
A60; Barbara Millicent.

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